My guess is there will be a gap. Just like when we went from carb to OBDI EFI and that was the devil. Either the aftermarket will eventually figure out how to hack the factory PCMs with different methods (maybe a mole leaks a secret?), or the standalone industry will step up. Either way, this really jives with that RPM act that the EPA tried ramming down our throats a year or so ago. One thing's for sure, it looks like the cost of tuning just went through the roof on the new stuff ASSuming someone can do it. Lucky for me I'm not afraid of old shit so it'll be a while before I'm butthurt by a lack of ability to tune my own rides. My real concern is without the ability to remain relevant with new stuff, how long will EFILive survive and support what they have cracked? Or will your focus shift to unlocking more capability to older modules? It's difficult to project how profitable that may be. On one hand, it's not the new new but on the other hand, if that's what we're relegated to then it is relevant.