Hi there, I don't know if this is going to be in the right spot, if not sorry. I am going to put a LMG DOD engine in my 68 chev short box. I am wanting to do the tuning myself. Mostly for cost and there isn't anybody around here to do it. I also want to learn about tuning. I have here of efi live from the diesel forums and when I came here found out it does alot more. My biggest question is where do I start. Once I get it into the truck I have to delete the emmisions, security, post o2 sensors. Other then that what do I need to do... Does anybody have a performance tune for the LMG?? Can a guy put a cam in this engine to get more power or is it better not to because of the active fuel management...

I think I have mostly everything kind of figured out for the most part, just need help on the tuning. I am wanting to get the most power I can get, but would like to keep the DOD operational.