I've got a PID selection and Dashboard all setup to work with a BBL session.

However, after grabbing the .efi file and loading it is a real pain to get my stuff working with it.

I start 7.5 and click PID tab and open my PID file, then click Dashboard and open my dashboard file. All looks good here. Then I open the new .EFI file and it changes both my dashboard and my pid selection so everything is lined thru but one chart item. I have to press Ctrl-N and repeat 2 or 3 more times till it finally loads with the PID and Dashboard I built for it.

Somebody posted earlier that the program would try to match the best pid list with the .efi file automatically. If it is indeed trying to do that, it doesn't do it very well as it picks one that only has a couple items selected.

Is this a naming thing? Any input appreciated.

Ken . . .