Quote Originally Posted by joecar View Post
So it's good now...?

Note for other people reading this thread:
when you open a tune, go View->Show Calibration Window, and goto the Out of Range tab, if you see any tables mentioned here you should fix each one;
when you go to those tables, you will see the out of range cells marked with either blue dogear corners or with a red box around the cell;
you fix all the OoR cells by doing this:
- edit the OoR cell to either max-1 or min+1,
- do this for all the OoR cells,
- save tune,
- exit tunetool,
- reopen tunetool
- set each of those cells to max or min as appropriate,
- save tune
(this is a special trick required due to tunetool only saves changes it detects, and setting an OoR cell to min/max is not detected).
Yes Sir! Thank you for the info makes since, I believe we changed it but didn't realize it was still OoR.