Quote Originally Posted by Blacky View Post
No, I never implemented that for V8. If it's useful then it wouldn't be too hard to add in. I'll add it to the "to do" list.

Yep it sure is. It's so user friendly being able to opening up a new log after logging it with the V2 BBX SD Card and all your dashboards, maps, pids (including calc pids), filters, charts, gauges open and from that point on all you have to do is filter to what you want to focus on.


In addition to this if possible:

1: I just performed my first V8 Pass-Through log, is it possible to be able to zoom out / adjust the window length whilst logging, it was a little fast being set I estimate @ a 5 second window, again if this is already working apologies still new with V8.

2: On the charts, the PID's Scale either using the default scaling or the auto scaling doesn't show the minimum and maximmum, is this possible to be shown like in v7.5?

3: A huge huge feature of V7.5 was the ability to edit the default locations of where all the files are saved such as maps, vdashboards etc.

This is of great benifit for people who use OneDrive and switch between multiple laptops, because you can edit a map or a dashboard on one computer, move to the next and the edits would be replicated.

Thank you for your time Paul / EFI Live.