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Thread: cylair formula's units

  1. #1
    Lifetime Member
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    Default cylair formula's units

    This is what I found in the little explanation/help window on VE table:

    The air mass per cylinder can be determined from the VE table using the following formula:
    g/cyl = VE*MAP/charge temperature
    Ve is in g*K/kPa,
    MAP is in kPa,
    and then in the temp blend explanations i found:
    273.15+IAT+((ECT-IAT)*factor) with the factor of 0.042969 for any significant airflow.
    so with VE of 100 g*K/kPa,
    MAP of 100kPa, and
    IAT of 82F and ECT of 190F

    so i tried to see if it works so i did:
    airmass= 100*100/303=32.9 g
    that ain't right, so i thought maybe the VE should be as % so:
    airmass= 1 * 100/303=0.329g which is too low for a WOT condition on a typical engine.

    what am i doing wrong?


  2. #2
    Lifetime Member SSpdDmon's Avatar
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    Did you convert to *C before the *K calculation?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Lifetime Member SSpdDmon's Avatar
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    **Edit** I just noticed that your VE listed in your first post is 100. That means it's 100% of the theoretical maximum (based on cylinder volumes I believe). You need to go to Edit>Properties and change the VE drop-down menu to Grams*K/kPa and reload your file. See below for mathematical explanation.

    Double check your math and make sure your VE is in Grams*Kelvin/kPa units under edit>properties. I just checked mine where I usually record ~.80(grams/cyl) in my logs. Using your temps converted to Celcius, I get a charge temperature of 303.50591(K). At 100kPa on my VE table, I have 2.4365(Grams*Kelvin/kPa) at 4400(RPM), which is where I see most of my airflow with the stock cam (peak torque).

    If I take 2.4365(Grams*Kelvin/kPa)*100(kPa) and divide that by 303.50591(K), I get 0.80278 (grams).
    Last edited by SSpdDmon; September 11th, 2006 at 06:49 AM.

  5. #5
    Lifetime Member SSpdDmon's Avatar
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    TTT for the edit above...

  6. #6
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree, VE ranges somewhere in the vicinity of 2.0 g.K/kPa (+/- some amount)...

    100 g.K/kPa seems way too high...

  7. #7
    Lifetime Member
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    oh yea, good catch...thanks guys.
    so how do we arrive at the % theoretical? is that what the unit HPT displays too?

  8. #8
    Lifetime Member SSpdDmon's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure that's what HPT shows. PM Blacky...he might be able to hook you up with the equation for VE% based on theoretical maximum.

  9. #9
    Lifetime Member
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    eh, no need, i figured it out, thanks guys

  10. #10
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by redhardsupra
    eh, no need, i figured it out, thanks guys

    Did you calculate the mass of a cylinder volume's worth of air and compare with VE table cell(s), is that what you did to get VE% of theoretical max...?


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