hey hoping for some help.... cut and paste as follows:

9:07.773: Opening COM1 8228,8,N,1
39:15.954: Check vehicle interface...
39:15.967: Waiting for Aldl bus silence of at least 50ms...
39:16.090: Requesting Max232 interface to acknowlege: $FF,$55,$AC...
39:16.169: Max232 echo was incorrect:" $40,$58,$BF,$9E,$00,$0B
39:16.198: No response from Max232
39:16.198: Retrying Max232 detection...

39:16.198: Waiting for Aldl bus silence of at least 50ms...
39:16.396: Requesting Max232 interface to acknowlege: $FF,$58,$BF,$9E,$00,$4C...
39:16.473: Max232 echo was incorrect:" $40,$58,$BF,$9E,$00,$0B
39:16.532: No response from Max232
39:16.532: Retrying Max232 detection...

39:16.532: Waiting for Aldl bus silence of at least 50ms...
39:16.698: Requesting Max232 interface to acknowlege: $FF,$58,$BF,$9E,$00,$4C...
39:16.777: Max232 echo was incorrect:" $40,$58,$BF,$9E,$00,$0B
39:16.831: No response from Max232
39:16.831: Retrying Max232 detection...

39:16.831: Interface cannot be detected

39:16.883: Scanning for heartbeat and chatter frames...
39:16.883: Waiting for Aldl bus silence of at least 50ms...
39:17.241: Error: Reply frame checksum failure
39:17.264: Heartbeat frame:
39:17.264: 39:17.113: $A8,$55,$03
39:17.264: Heartbeat frame is followed by 16ms of silence
39:17.264: Advisable value for T6 is 8ms
