If v7.5 can't tell the difference, can I get a separate tab that can make a dsp5 van os?
Quote Originally Posted by GMPX View Post
Bobo, it's subtle but the .calz file number isn't the same. I remember back when we first saw this problem and couldn't believe Bosch would designate the same OS number to tunes that are different. I had (and still haven't) ever seen any other GM controller do this.
In the end we had to look for specific markers in the file to know that we had to load an alternate .calz file that showed the right tables to match the Van.
Notice how the OS number is 12632483, but the .calz file we load is called 12632484.

Unfortunately though V7.5 still see's both files as 12632483, so we can't Upgrade the OS to DSP to match the Van because the patch can't pick the difference between them.
There is also an LMM OS we don't do DSP for, 12620015, this is used on Motorhomes and the 5500's.
Right now it gives a dsp2 and a dsp5 option, how about a dsp5-van option?