Quote Originally Posted by Duramax 6.6L View Post
Couldn't this be done with a legal document that the purchaser signs and the document states that he assumes full responsibility for the use of the software and that EFI Live and the affiliates and family can not be held liable for any damage or damages resulting from the use of the Pro Tuning License.
You'd think that would be the case, right? As I said I think the lawyers over-reacted*, now we're just working through the fine details. I expect it will end up being exactly like you just described.

* In reality, the lawyers are just doing their job and making sure everything is watertight, its just an excruciatingly long and intensely tedious process. Something about a customers can't sign away their rights no matter how much they want to. Products must be fit for purpose, products cannot have known failure modes without proper warning. If the failure modes require advanced skill to mitigate then the product can't be sold to the general public etc. Writing software is difficult, dealing with legal issues like this makes programming a joy.
