Quote Originally Posted by Blacky View Post
The trace data you sent to me shows 4 serial devices are connected.
Device: 00 = wide band
Device: 18 = volt meter
Device: 25 = unknown
Device: 26 = unknown

FlashScan is only designed/configured to connect to 1 or 2 wide band controllers - the data from the other devices is being interpreted (incorrectly) as wide band data.

I will update the FlashScan firmware to ignore those other devices, but for now you should only have 1 or 2 wide band controllers connected.

Ok so it is different from the old PLX models. I think the other two that it reads is Sensor Health and Sensor Reaction time since other than the wideband and nothing else connected, that is what the gauge reads.

So i guess i will have to wait for the firmware update to make sure its all working ok.

Btw, will we have to select a new WIDEBAND from the list of gauges or will it work on the old PLX ?

Finally, how long will it be approx for the firmware update ?
